On Saturday our group - minus Brad - took a day trip to see Mount Kenya and the Equator. We first went up to Mount Kenya, we went to the outside of the Mount Kenya National Park and didn't go in to save some money. But we were able to see some of it, although it was a little cloudy, and took pictures in front of the sign. Also, off to the side there were a bunch of monkey hanging out in a woman's back yard. We went back and took pictures of them and the woman was nice enough to through cabbage out so that the monkeys would come closer to us to get the food.

After Mount Kenya we went on our way to see the equator, which turned out to be a sign on the side of the road saying that it was in fact the equator. I think the locals were a little confused how we could take so many pictures with the same sign over and over again, but we got a bunch of good ones! The "teacher" then went on to show us how water spins in opposite directions on either side of the equator. We're not sure whether it was really true or not, but it seemed to make sense? After the demonstration we went into town, Nanyuki, to get lunch. We found a pretty good restaurant, that actually served Coke Light - apparently this is pretty rare in Kenya.

All in all it was a very good day, we had some car troubles with the shock absorbers but we managed to get back fine with the trunk door only flying open once. Needless to say the matatu had to go in for repairs...

That's all for now and everyone sends their love back home!

Written By: Danielle Robertson

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